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OciXCrom's Rank System

[Image: hud_info.png]

[Image: xp_command.png]

[Image: reached_level.png]

[Image: lost_level.png]

[Image: prefix_in_chat.png]

[Image: xplist.png]

  • A fully optimized and easy to use rank system, containing tons of options and an API for creating sub-plugins. Unlike other plugins like this where in order to add/remove or change ranks and the required XP for them, the end-user has to make changes in the .sma file and recompile the plugin, this one does everything through a configuration file that doesn't require any scripting skills nor recompiling the plugin after a change has been made. The plugin has an option to set different XP rewards for different in-game events, such as killing a player, headshot, suicide, teamkill, planting/defusing the bomb and so on. You can even specify different rewards for any weapon in the game.

  • The plugin can be used in a game different than Counter-Strike. In order to do this, you need to comment/remove the line #define USE_CSTRIKE in the .sma file and recompile the plugin. Bear in mind that the chat messages won't be colored when using another game.
  • It is also possible to have different settings for different maps. In order to do this, you need to write the map name between dashes on a new line in the configuration file (- de_dust2 -). This will make everything below this line be active only on that specific map. You can also use map prefixes (- de_* -). To go back to global settings, use - #all -.

  • /xp, /level -- shows your XP amount, level and rank (changeable in the .ini file)
  • /xplist -- opens a menu that shows online players' rank and XP (admins only)
  • crxranks_give_xp -- gives/takes XP to/from the player (admins only)
  • crxranks_reset_xp -- resets the player's XP (admins only)

  • CHAT_PREFIX -- prefix for chat messages
  • SAVE_TYPE -- how to save the XP (nick/IP/SteamID)
  • XP_COMMANDS -- commands that allow you to check your XP
  • LEVELUP_MESSAGE_TYPE -- who will see the message when a player reaches a new level
  • LEVELUP_SOUND -- sound when a player gains a level
  • LEVELUP_SCREEN_FADE_ENABLED -- whether the screen fade effect when a player gains a level will be active
  • LEVELUP_SCREEN_FADE_COLOR -- color for the screen fade effect when gaining a level
  • LEVELDN_SOUND -- sound when a player loses a level
  • LEVELDN_SCREEN_FADE_ENABLED -- whether the screen fade effect when a player loses a level will be active
  • LEVELDN_SCREEN_FADE_COLOR -- color for the screen fade effect when losing a level
  • FINAL_LEVEL_FLAGS -- here you can specify admin flags that players will receive when they reach the final level
  • VIP_FLAGS -- players with these flags are considered VIP and can be set to receive more XP than regular players
  • VAULT_NAME -- name of the vault file where the XP is saved
  • HUDINFO_ENABLED -- whether the HUD info that shows your XP will be enabled
  • HUDINFO_ALIVE_ONLY -- whether the HUD info will be visible only when the player is alive
  • HUDINFO_COLOR -- color for the HUD info
  • HUDINFO_POSITION -- coordinates for the HUD info
  • HUDINFO_USE_DHUD -- whether the HUD info will use a DHUD message
  • HUDINFO_FORMAT -- how the HUD info is going to look when the player is on any level except the last one
  • HUDINFO_FORMAT_FINAL -- how the HUD info is going to look when the player is on the last level
  • HUDINFO_INVALID_TEXT -- what is the HUD info going to display when an invalid value is given
  • XP_NOTIFIER_ENABLED -- whether the plugin will show a separate HUD message when gaining/losing XP
  • XP_NOTIFIER_COLOR_GET -- color for the XP notifier when gaining XP
  • XP_NOTIFIER_COLOR_LOSE -- color for the XP notifier when losing XP
  • XP_NOTIFIER_POSITION -- coordinates for the XP notifier
  • XP_NOTIFIER_DURATION -- duration of the XP notifier
  • XP_NOTIFIER_USE_DHUD -- whether the XP notifier will use a DHUD message

Configuring the ranks
  • The ranks can be easily configured in the [Ranks] section in the .ini file.
  • As you can see from the default ranks set in the file, each rank is added on a new line by writing its name and the required XP for it separated with the "=" symbol.
  • The first rank must start from 0 XP.
  • The number of ranks you can add is unlimited.
  • The name of the ranks can't start with any of these symbols: "#", ";", "-" and "["

Configuring the XP rewards
  • Unlike other plugins where there is a separate setting for each way of earning XP, this plugin has things set up quite differently and it's much easier to use.
  • In the [XP Rewards] section you can all kinds of XP rewards depending on special keywords.
  • For example, if you want players to receive 5 XP on a normal kill, you simply need to write "kill = 5" on a new line in the section, since the keyword "kill" tells the plugin that this reward should be given when you kill a player. For a kill with a headshot, simply use the keyword "headshot", and so on.
  • You can even add a separate reward for each weapon in a game, e.g. "awp = 10".
  • In order to make VIP users receive different amount of XP than the regular players, for example 10 XP for planting the bomb, while regular players receive 7 XP, you should write "bomb_planted = 7 10".
  • Take a look at this link for all keywords available in the plugin.

Showing the ranks in chat
  • Since this plugin mainly refers to XP, levels and ranks, and not the chat itself, it is necessary to download a separate plugin for the chat in order to show the ranks in it. Use the Chat Manager plugin for that purpose.
  • I have added support in Chat Manager for this plugin, so you can easily activate the ranks in it.
  • In order to activate them, you need to add the keyword $rank$ in the [Format Definition] section in the plugin's configuration file. You can make the ranks show only for regular players, along with the admin prefix, etc.
  • If you don't know how and where to add it, follow these steps:
    • Open the configuration file - configs/ChatManager.ini.
    • Find the [Format Definitions] section and replace the 4 settings inside it with these ones:

      format_admin = $dead_prefix$ &x04[$rank$] $admin_prefix$ &x03$custom_name$ &x01: $chat_color$$message$format_admin_team = $dead_prefix$ ($team$) &x04[$rank$] $admin_prefix$ &x03$custom_name$ &x01: $chat_color$$message$format_player = $dead_prefix$ &x04[$rank$] &x03$custom_name$ &x01: $chat_color$$message$format_player_team = $dead_prefix$ ($team$) &x04[$rank$] &x03$custom_name$ &x01: $chat_color$$message$
    • If you don't want the rank to be displayed for the admins who already have an admin prefix, replace only the last two settings and leave the first ones unchanged.

Additional information and download link

[Image: servers_using_this.png]
[Image: download_default.png]
Mmmm, me is VERY confused!?!

this is?

assuming some suggestion for swarm? if so you could have just contacted